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Press Release

Sabre Delivers Proactive Weather and Air Traffic Management Tools

Sabre AirCentre Flight Explorer helps reduce delays, maximize fuel savings

SOUTHLAKE, Texas, June 9, 2009 — Sabre Airline Solutions today announced the release of new proactive weather and air traffic management tools as part of Sabre AirCentre Flight Explorer, Release 9.1. The solution includes new state-of-the-art feature enhancements that will help airlines improve fleet management through weather events and airspace constraints alerts, reducing potential delays and maximizing fuel savings.

The new tools feature a new graphical weather overlay, a dynamic Traffic Flow Management Reroute Advisory Product with alerting functionality, flight status functionality, and new graphical domestic and international weather products.

The Sabre Flight Explorer solution is the industry’s most accurate, reliable and widely-used Aircraft Situation Display (ASD). The system goes beyond “flight tracking” by incorporating multiple data feeds, dynamic weather overlays, situational alerts, weather forecasts and air traffic management tools to make Sabre Flight Explorer an essential flight operations management tool.

“The new release of Sabre Flight Explorer delivers airlines greater real-time awareness of weather and air traffic management events,” said Ilia Kostov, vice president of Operations Solutions for Sabre Airline Solutions. “Our customers now have the ability to more proactively identify airspace constraints and significant weather events in order to make the necessary route adjustments to ensure the safety and on-time performance of their flights.“

New additions to Sabre Flight Explorer include:

• New Graphical PIREPS Weather Overlay – Users can now utilize a graphical PIREPS overlay that offers extensive filtering capabilities based on icing, turbulence, weather, altitude range, aircraft types, and time frame.

• Traffic Flow Management (TFM) Reroute Advisory Product and Update Alert – This new solution provides a list of TFM advisories, which allows dispatchers to view and analyze reroute options textually and graphically. Advisories are sorted according to action level, with the advisories requiring action taking priority at the top of the list. An alert can be generated when a reroute advisory is created, updated, or deleted by the FAA.

• Holding Analyzer – This feature allows a user to display a list of flights that are within a specified region to determine how they are stacked in a potential holding pattern. Information fields are updated every 10 seconds.

• IPS MeteoStar Weather – Domestic and international weather products from IPS MeteoStar are now available in Sabre Flight Explorer, including worldwide Real-Time Lightning, Airmets/Sigmets, PIREPS/AIREPS, 4 km IR satellite (30-min update rate), Aviation Sig WX Charts, GFS Worldwide Wind and Temps and Japan Radar

The solution also brings with it updates to key data sources, as well as other enhancements in response to requests from Sabre Flight Explorer’s global customer base. These include Route Analyzer enhancements, event filters based on flight status, a new dynamic and user definable flight list and flight status indicators on the Event List.

The Sabre Flight Explorer solution is fully integrated with Sabre Airline Solution’s flight planning capabilities. The integration provides airlines a solution that will give them access to critical, real-time operational information and world-class flight plan optimization, helping pre-empt delays, among other benefits.

Nancy St. Pierre
Sabre Holdings Corporate Communications – Media Relations
Supplier Segments (Air, Hotel, Cruise, Car)
682-605-3864 (office)
940-367-2761 (cell)

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