While the IT industry offers boundless opportunities for innovation and growth, it also presents formidable hurdles for women. Despite concerted efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, women remain underrepresented in key leadership positions, perpetuating a cycle of inequality. Women leaders from across various global organisations, share how to tackle this problem and what #InspireInclusion means to them.

#Inspireinclusion to me means active listening, offering encouragement, demonstrating kindness, and guiding individuals to showcase their talent, irrespective of gender. We all possess unique skills; all we need is a bit of guidance and support to help us achieve our true potential. Women face several challenges while pursuing their career aspirations, owing to societal expectations and gender biases. By embracing a positive outlook towards overcoming hurdles and work-life balance, and finding the right mentor, women can do anything they set their minds to!

Mani Sundarigari, Manager – Database Administration, Sabre

Read the full story here.

This quote was published on VAR India.