August 10, 2016
The 3 breakthrough technologies now conquering travel
Technology is changing the way we work and interact with the world. More people are connected to the internet and questions that used to require years of studying to answer can now be answered through a...
August 8, 2016
Steal this genius idea for your brand’s Snapchat right now
If jumping into the augmented reality games craze is not realistic for your travel brand, how about Snapchat? The emerging media platform has recently spiked in popularity. Snapchat has nearly 60 million monthly active users. And...
August 7, 2016
Pokémon Go doesn’t have a lock on cute and cuddly map-based games in travel
The Pokémon Go phenomenon demonstrates the possibilities of a mash-up of the digital and the physical. For travel brands, the game’s popularity revealed how eager passionate gamers can be to engage with the real world. Another reminder of...
July 14, 2016
When digital meets physical: What Pokémon Go means for the travel industry
In our world of fragmentation and hyper-targeted micro-niches, few mainstream hits cut through. That’s what makes the nearly-instant global popularity of Pokémon Go so intriguing. The mobile app uses GPS and augmented reality technology to lead users on a hunt for the digital pets. Augmented reality...
April 29, 2016
Looking toward a bold future of voice interfaces, the Internet of Things and travel
This is a viewpoint by Chris Apaliski, Senior Product Marketing Manager for Sabre Dev Studio. With the advent of the Internet of Things, we’ve seen major changes in technology. Both mobile and smart devices have been seamlessly...
April 14, 2016
Let’s get serious: Will VR become a mainstay in the travel industry?
With Facebook’s recent addition of virtual reality/360 (learn the difference!), there’s yet another platform for travel brands to distribute this new form of content. As each new channel is added, the appeal of investing in VR/360...
March 31, 2016
Why digital wallet payments are about more than convenience for airlines
As digital wallet solutions like Apple Pay and Google Wallet become accepted in the travel industry, airlines can start reaping rewards and customer loyalty. In addition to in-flight purchases, JetBlue customers will soon be able to...
March 3, 2016
The changing face of mobility: How new technology will transform ground transportation
New technologies often start with a whisper and quickly crescendo. The tech press covers the first few beats of the nascent disruption, followed eventually by mainstream outlets that cover emerging technologies poised to impact society. One technology capturing...
February 5, 2016
Qualities travel apps must have in the mobile-only world
The swift adoption of mobile across geographies puts pressure on travel suppliers of all stripes to develop cutting edge travel apps. Consider this: In 2016, mobile devices will surpass desktops as the booking device of choice...
January 27, 2016
Three trends in travel apps that will shape the future of mobile travel
As global smartphone and tablet adoption continues to increase, travel provider and traveler demand for mobile apps shows no signs of stopping. Tnooz reports that 30 million individuals seek travel information via mobile devices and travel...