Meetathon: The marathon of back to back meetings, tiring all, and eventually, adding low value.

The COVID-19 pandemic altered our entire way of living. The debate is about whether it has positively or negatively influenced our lives. There are different schools of thought on whether the pandemic and remote working have enriched our lifestyle, given there is no travel, and we have more time for ourselves and family. The contrarian view is that we were sucked into the bottomless pit of work and family 24/7, without a break, and any semblance of boundaries are non-existent. Last year, when we started work from home, we were just getting used to the new normal. We slowly transitioned into the virtual mode of working. After 18 months, it seems like meetings and the virtual world may have engulfed and enslaved us. Running back-to-back meetings to responding to emails to IM’s to different channels on different collaboration tools has gotten us entangled in a vicious cycle. We have all tried different techniques and ideas to beat this cycle, but reluctantly succumb to the addiction for meetings. Is it FOMO, the pressure to be available at any time, or the global distribution of teams causing this behaviour? Read More
This article written by Monish Matthias was published in