On one hand, the rise of Al could bring significant benefits, such as chatbot assisted travel booking, contactless check-in, personalised offers and bookings, and augmented experiences for travellers. On the other hand, there are also concerns about the ethical and societal implications of Al, including potential job displacement, biases in decision-making, and privacy issues.

Vacations are that time of the year where kids wait with anticipation; a school break means lots of fun, unstructured play, snacks, ice creams and most importantly, the annual travel to either their parents’ native place or to an exciting tourist destination. Children should enjoy every moment seeing the world and create a lifetime of memories along the way.

Usually most of the itineraries are personalised by a travel agent but nowadays they are generated by an automated artificial intelligence chatbot, built on foundational large language models that has been fine-tuned using both supervised and reinforcement learning techniques. The entire booking can be completed within a few minutes of interacting with a conversational Al Chatbot.

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This authored article featuring Monish Matthias was published on ETTravelWorld.com