As technology continues to advance, the travel industry is also transforming at an astonishing pace. The industry is adopting new technologies to enhance customer experiences and streamline business operations. Like how automation is becoming increasingly prevalent and making the travel industry, more efficient and personalized. 

Let’s explore some of the areas where automation is transforming the travel industry as we know it.

  • Booking: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms are being used to create more efficient and accurate travel booking systems, which have the capability of recommending the best deals on flights and hotels, and personalize travel itineraries. 
  • Fraud Detection: AI and ML also find application in detecting and preventing fraud. Algorithms are trained on large data sets to detect patterns that are indicative of fraud, such as abnormal patterns in travel bookings, payments or customer behavior. 
  • Language Translation: With the global rise in cross-border travel, automation technologies like AI-powered language translation are becoming a must-have for travel agencies and online platforms to serve customers from different countries. 
  • Chatbots & Virtual Assistants: The industry is making the most of chatbots and virtual assistants to provide 24/7 customer support, answer frequently asked questions and assist with the booking process. They also assist with post-booking activities such as changing or canceling reservations. This not only ensures convenience to the customers but also frees up human customer support to handle more complex queries. Read More


This authored article by Sanjeeb Patel was published in Express Computer