

Icons serve as a common visual language and bridge language gaps. Because they’re instantanly recognizable, they are perfect for use in digital works, PowerPoint presentations and marketing communications. Sabre icons are designed for maximum flexibility and ease of use. Our single-stroke images are easily decoded and can add a quick visual reference to your materials.


Beware of using too many icons in a single context. Icons are most effective when they improve visual interest and grab the reader’s attention. They can be helpful if you want to assist with page navigation or break up text blocks. Too many icons, however, become nothing more than decoration.

Our single-stroke icons are provided in red, black or white, or incorporated onto red circles. This last approach is commonly used in Sabre web communications and collateral. It is acceptable to reverse icons on colored shapes from the secondary color palette.

Requesting a variance

Our icon set contains 550+ options. If you cannot find an icon that suits your need, you may submit a request to the Sabre creative services team for custom artwork.