
Sabre imagery

Images are essential for illustrating and expressing our ideas and values visually. We need to be confident and calculated when selecting the right images, that make the right impressions for the stories that we tell.

Still getting your images from a search engine?

We’ve created a tool featuring a curated library of licensed and approved photos.

  Brand Photo Library

Imagery principles

  • Ideally, images already possess a natural and apparent light source.
  • Images should have a distinctive edge or bleed off the page. Avoid blending or feathering images into the background.
  • If the image includes people, strive for one that shows their personality and individuality, through appearance, actions or wardrobe.
  • Images should be light, not dark.
  • Images should be grounded in reality and relatable to others, and not clip art.
  • Images with people should show individuals accomplishing tasks or using technology.
  • Avoid images where people are looking at the camera or seem posed. Try to find sincere and believable people.
  • Diversity and inclusion are important to our values, be sure to accurately represent the world and our global community.

The type of imagery you SHOULD NOT use

The type of imagery that YOU SHOULD use