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Guarding the Digital Realm: Celebrating Cybersecurity Awareness Month

“The travel and tourism industry faces a growing threat from cyberattacks due to the extensive personal data it handles. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a surge in cyberattacks, highlighting the sector’s vulnerability. Cyberattacks can disrupt operations, causing financial losses and inconveniences. Vulnerabilities in mobile travel apps and high-profile cyberattacks have been frequent. It is of utmost importance to establish strong cybersecurity measures to safeguard data, uphold trust, guarantee uninterrupted business operations, and comply with regulations. Embracing the latest trends and best practices, such as zero-trust security, AI-driven solutions, biometric authentication, blockchain technology, and continuous monitoring, can enhance security. Multifactor authentication and staying informed with threat intelligence are also key. Prioritizing proactive measures and industry-specific standards is essential to safeguard customer data, maintain trust, and minimize losses. In an era where trust is currency and data is gold, safeguarding the travel industry’s digital future requires not just compliance but innovation in cybersecurity”.


This quote by Sanjeeb Patel, appeared as part of an industry story on Cybersecurity Awareness Month. The quote was published on both – CXOToday and SiliconIndia.