Philippine Airlines (PAL) will implement a new solution that is customised to enhance revenue per customer (instead of revenue per seat) by providing better commercial analysis and improved performance on a broad range of services. PAL has partnered has partnered with Sabre Airline Solutions to implement Sabre AirVision Commercial Analytics, which analyses historical and future revenue trends through integrated air fare, ancillary offerings and partner revenue metrics with predictive intelligence. PAL will apply Commercial Analytics to more consistently and accurately monitor daily revenue performance, as well as make quicker, more informed decisions. Commercial Analytics is the only solution on the market that can measure the impact of passenger behavior, enabling PAL to become more customer centric. This broader technology will empower the airline to drive new insights across all of its commercial-planning departments. It will also use the new technology to gain unique and actionable insights designed to create a competitive advantage. Other departments under PAL’s commercial group will be able to view the same information at the same time, resulting in consistent actions across sales, revenue-management, pricing and related departments.

Fresh vantage point

Rather than relying on fare-purchase data, PAL can examine customer segments, providing it better insight into customers’ purchase tendencies, as well as giving it the ability to recommend actions that best suit the airline’s business needs. Commercial Analytics will enable PAL to optimise revenue per passenger instead of relying on revenue per seat. This will allow the airline to move toward greater customer centricity and total revenue optimisation. Commercial Analytics solves business challenges through a combination of intuitive role-based user experiences, advanced analytics and integrated data. It can integrate with multiple reservations systems, and PAL management views this advanced solution as a major competitive step up in the global airline industry. “We are proud to partner with Sabre to help us identify new revenue streams and improve efficiencies,” said Dina May F. Flores, PAL vice president for revenue management. “This will provide us with relevant insights to help us better understand our customers’ buying behaviors. It will also help us attain our goal of becoming a five-star airline.”

Components of change

PAL’s business outlook is founded on four primary elements, all of which are built into Commercial Analytics including:
  1. Maximising revenues,
  2. Extending the competitive advantage,
  3. Empowering better decision-making by continuously offering real-time data across the airline,
  4. Improving PAL’s commercial group’s efficiency and productivity.
Commercial Analytics will give PAL’s decision-making executives market-differentiating capabilities not typically available from vendors or developed within any individual carrier’s airline-technology department. Read the full article.