
Data & Analytics Platform


Data & Analytics Platform


Sabre Data & Analytics Platform – Connect the enterprise to enable intelligent action with an end-to-end set of solutions that enable comprehensive digital transformation. From data collection and storage through consolidation and enrichment, to analytics and actionable insights, our technology helps airlines create automated business rules and processes for the truly digital airline. Our robust portfolio includes an industry-tested data platform and advanced applications that cover commercial, operations and customer-data analysis, as well as Sabre Intelligence Exchange Micro-Apps that make your enterprise highly agile while providing your customers with a truly personalized travel experience. Sabre Intelligence Exchange – Real-time data-integration platform that gathers, analyzes and acts on disparate data that spans across both commercial and operations areas with a data warehouse to bring siloed data together in one place for further analysis and actioning. Your airline then has the tools to analyze, garner insights and take timely, intelligent action for smart decision-making.

Sabre Intelligence Exchange Apps and Micro-Apps – Solve pervasive industry problems across the journey using sense-and-respond capability by consolidating the data so other applications and Micro-Apps can use it to provide crucial business insights for intelligent decisions. Sabre Intelligence Exchange Apps and Micro-Apps enable your airline to create customized applications, analytics and reports; helps enrich your noncore systems with customer data and empowers your airline with accurate insights and true business agility.

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