
Serving millions of business travelers in over 100 countries, GetThere™ is the industry’s most sophisticated and reliable online travel management solution. GetThere™ is designed to handle the most complex travel programs while remaining intuitive for both travelers and travel managers. Being user-friendly, fast, and rich in content and features, GetThere™ lends itself to seamless online adoption.  GetThere™ supports the world’s largest global programs and Travel Management Companies and leverages that knowledge and experience to help the customers implement proven best practices to increase online adoption, compliance and cost savings. Technology is transforming the travel industry at a rapid pace and we at GetThere™ continuously look for using technology to serve our customers better.


Very often, TA (Travel Arrangers) in the corporate world struggle to compete with offline channels. They often face the need for a more user-friendly Travel Arranger (TA) portal that has additional features and is more intuitive. We believe in continuous improvement and we strive towards providing our customers the best -in-class experience.

What Sabre did

Team Himalaya – a participant team in SuperBlitzcode 2020 (A 3-day hackathon at Sabre’s Global Capability Center, Bengaluru conducted every year to solve key business challenges facing the travel industry) came up with TAD 2.0 (Travel Arranger Desktop). After brainstorming, Team Himalaya came up with many ideas to improve the Traveler Lookup and Trip Lookup functionalities. They included simplifying the User Interface (UI) for a better and intuitive experience, reducing the number of clicks for booking, and introducing additional data analytics hooks to capture information that could help make future improvements with a data-driven approach.
TAD 2.0 – the next version of TAD 1.0 with enhanced features and functionalities.
The team collaborated with Product Management partners to integrate the new feature into GetThere™’s road map. This lead to quick activation of the enhanced product, improving the TA portal to provide consumer-grade user experience, fast response times, rich & secure content and innovative features. This included additional corporate traveler lookup features and more ease-of-use leading to customer delight. Some of the key approaches to the solution included:
  • 1-click Traveler details Lookup
  • Ease of access to Traveler Trips & Profile
  • Reduced the number of clicks to book travel by Travel Arranger, to 3
  • Added improved Data Analytics for Travel Arranger functionalities


  • Better user experience
  • Decoupled functionality
  • Improved architecture
  • Enhanced security
  • Improved analytics
And finally more Happy Customers!